NoBadSlides Services
Group courses
We provide groups courses in 4, 8, or 16 hour modules. These courses work best in groups of 10-15. 8 and 16 hour modules are more successful if participants are actively working on a presentation or have an idea for a new presentation. Courses can be given in an intensive one or two day format, or in smaller bites over several weeks.
The material in our "presentation on how to do presentations" is covered in detail, with additional examples, and in smaller "chunks" to keep participants engaged. Small breakout group activities reenforce the examples.
Active participation is essential. Students will present elements of their own presentations, report on small group activities, and become constructive critics of each other. The latter is particularly important given how easy it is to see problems in other people's presentations, but how difficult it is to be your own critic.
Individual coaching and presentation creation
We help individuals in all aspects of presentation creation, from working out the underlying narrative, creating individual slides, to developing an effective oral presentation that is synergistic with the slides. We put individuals through a rigorous process that produces clear and concise presentations that communicate complex ideas to diverse audiences. A well honed presentation eliminates extraneous details and hones in on the key information. Less can be more! We can help you get there.
Presentation on how to do presentations
We provide an interactive slide presentation on how to do slide presentations. We ask a series of questions to get the audience thinking about the strengths and limitations of slide presentations and what can (and can't) be achieved.
We next review the fundamental challenges in developing a slide presentation: developing a coherent story, translating that story into slides, creating synergy between the slides and spoken words, avoiding "information overload,"etc.
We then describe a methodology for developing the coherent narrative that must underly any talk. Our last section focuses on developing individual slides. Examples of "broken slides (along with the broken oral presentations) are illustrated along with strategies for repairing them.